Thursday, May 24, 2007

Firefox - the fiery fox

Hey! finally I am back after a long long time, i think the time between my post is increasing monotonously, so i'll try to be more regular in these holidays. Here I would like to discuss something about Firefox.

Firefox, as most of you might be knowing is an open source web browser application developed by Mozilla. These days it has become very popular and infact many new browsers have come up like opera and safari. Infact every now and then i have a fight with my friend who is a big fan of Opera. Yes, i don't deny that opera is good and it can perform many small things that Opera can do easily but might become a run of 100 yards while using Firefox, but the power that lies with firefox is its open source nature.

Due to this capability, firefox have a cool active community of thousands of people who willingly contribute to it. I am talking about the add-ons that Firefox provides. The best one I've ever seen is Firebug.

Firebug is a add-on of Firefox that was developed by Mozilla itself. Its a quicky and fundu add-on if you deal with websites development, specially for client side scripting. It can tell you exactly where does the error originate from. You can view its Html, Css as well as its imported Javascript files from within the browser. A half an MB of tool that is the destination to all your debugging needs. Not only this, firebug tracks each and every AJAX call along with data sent and received and the time to receive the request(it can also read the content sent and received by POST!).

Firebug also helps you track(inspect) to each and every block, image, para or any element of table and shows its corresponding code and its structure. The best part is, it doesn't occupy much of the system's resources lie some of debugging tools do(which is very crucial for a system config like mine). All these features make this tool a must for every web developer.

Another tool I found was fasterfox, though it doesn't do much work, but it is one of my favorites. It starts a timer and counts the seconds upto 3 decimal places, the time taken by a page to load. That generally helps when you are focusing on the front end of the page.

Though I have mentioned only 2 of them, but the list goes on, the possibilities are endless. Infact if you want, you can also design your own add-ons using the mozilla built system. This is what makes Firefox above all browsers. So hats off for all the developers of Firefox!!

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