Friday, January 25, 2008

B Tech Project

From past few days me and my friends have been discussing about what to be done as a part of our B Tech Project. Though we get a degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BE), I don't know why our final year project is known as "B Tech Project". So about the final year project: its probably the most important aspect of our four years course. Also its been given the maximum weightage in all our subjects so far. So we had to be a little serious regarding it.

So here's what we(me and two of my frnds) have planned as our final year project. Its a web based platform for applications development and compiling. We will provide a complete toolkit for online storage, development, sharing and running a project online. The actual things to develop are still under consideration, but this project will be supporting : PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS , C and C++. This is inspired by the idea of to host projects + dreamweaver to design and develop pages.

I'll keep you posted of the updates and final drafting of this project. I hope we work it out well. Lets see how it goes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Prodigy Volume 2

Well its over a month I am sitting in my home doing almost nothing. So I talked to one of my friends to get our prodigy idea started all over again, by ourselves, who knows we might end up with developing the next most famous application on the web ;) Anyways, I convinced them to start working on it. And we planned to meet one day.

Yes 29th of December 2007, this was the day of our first official meet to discuss about the prodigy work. Ya actually that's what the code name of our project now is "Prodigy". So our first official meet took place at Barista, CP. As usual I came on time, and the other two fellows (those who shall not be named, well I'll call them Prodigy1 and Prodigy2 ;) ). So we started the discussion. Much as expected I started off again with the idea and explained them what exactly we had planned (Gosh I think aliens did erase their memory of those times when discussed with them during Prodigy Challenge).

We again finalised another structure (though very much similar to the previous one), but then our discussion fell into a vicious circle. A proper conflict between feasibility and advantages of the application emerged(If we'd try to make a better application from the user end we got stuck with its feasibility and vice versa). Finally we tried to implement a very common application's structure - P2P( Yes this is the first thing that I have revealed about our Prodigy work). our application theoritically works more or less like how a P2P application works. But due to my conflicted discussions with Prodigy1 and Prodigy2 about some networking protocols, we never came to a intermediate solution satisfying all three of us.

Finally the meeting ended on a sad note and the outcome of the meeting was that we have to do a lot more homework before we start the actual work. Though I really want this application to be developed, but no serious discussion about it has been done since then and its been over a week from that discussions. Though I keep on Googling to find solutions to the problems related to it. I just hope that we atleast launch the Beta phase of this application before moving out of the college.