Friday, July 18, 2008

Google Code Jam 08

This year Google Code Jam started day before yesterday (16th of July), for me it was yesterday. It was organised in a bit different way, usually they used to sponsor the contest as a event on Topcoder and contestants used their arena to develop the code. This time they applied a new approach and a better one. They opened the contest for all languages and was compiler independent. We were supposed to download input generate the output and upload it along with the source code file. So on 16th was the qualification round, 24 hr long event with 3 problems. The person submitting one solution correct was to be promoted to the next level.

Each question had two input sets: small and large. The output of small was evaluated instantly and the result was displayed. The output for large data set was submitted and the result was announced after the event.

So in all it worked out well, and yes I have qualified for the online round 1 too, with a full score of 75 and world ranking 336 :) Lets see what happens in the rounds ahead.

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