Saturday, April 7, 2007

Microsoft - Tellme wat's up?

Microsoft - the world's leading software technology home and the source of income of the world's richest man and the cofounder of Microsoft Corporation itself. With its headquater at Redmond, Washington, USA, it has crossed the revenue of 45 bn USD. Most of you might be knowing that it started its business with the launch of MS DOS in mid 1980s and after that it has launched a no. of outstanding operating systems and thereby capturing the market and not looking back since then.

The owner of the two most used products in the world - Windows OS and MS Office, Microsoft left its competitors way behind. But for past 4-5 years, things are getting warmed up again. The newest and the biggest dot com company in the race is Google whcich has given 'Web' a new meaning. So to stay in the race Micrsoft is trying a lot to improve its reach on the web. Its new and customised MSN and Hotmail are some of the steps for the same.

Other competitors include Linux, Unix and Mac OS which pose a serious threat to the market dominance of MS in operating systems. Linux - an open source operating system has brought a revolution in the market. In fact now most of the Servers work on Linux due to its less complexity and more reliability which makes it easier to provide higher uptime.

Also the upcoming applications like Open Office and Google docs and spreadsheets, are posing threats to the Microsoft's Office dominance. Still surviving all these stuff, MS is the biggest software company at present.

So the current talk of town - the Tellme deal of Microsoft, is finally confirmed with the annoucement of Microsoft to integrate with Tellme. Tellme networks is a speech recognition company. Its present work include voice recognition on cellphone devices, including fetching of data using it. Jeff Raikes, President of Microsoft Business Division said that this deal would improve the speech technology of MS and would bring immediate and long term value to their customers. Tellme's technology is used by large companies such as FedEx, American Airlines and American Express to power their automated telephone systems.

During the conference call, Raikes and Tellme's CEO McCue noted that half of all directory assistance call are made using Tellme's technology, meaning that one in three Americans use its technology each year.

So probably this might become a way to heat up the competition against its rival companies by providing the services through mobile phones on large scale. It is a huge step towards integration of voice and data and improvement in mobile search technologies all over. Lets hope to get something big coming up from them later by this year.

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