Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Probably the Last date with Red Hat

So u all will be surprised that I am fed up with linux so soon. Well not really, I really liked linux a lot, its just that Red Hat is not allowing me to register on its online network. And so no updation possible and I am really bugged off finding updates for each and every stuff. I tried a lot to find the update drivers for my display device but have failed so far. And red hat enterprise is not allowing me to download updates from their site.

So possibly, I'll switch over to some other Linux OS. I have an Ubuntu CD. Probably I'll try that. I have installed ubuntu (actually I didn't install it, just used the live cd) . Ya the experience was great and that's why i would prefer Ubuntu over Red Hat. Also I have heard really great review of the latest version Fiesty fawn. Lets see, I will try a couple of days more to find out the display drivers, otherwise I am gonna shift to other OS. Actually it looks weird to switch to other os for just not getting the drivers. Actually the point is that I cannot avail for any type of updates, so probably I should try some free version this time, so that atleast there won't be any problem of online registration.

Ya I did sort out the problem of reading ext2 partition in windows. I found a driver ex2fs, that is supposed to work on win 98,xp, 2000, 2003 but not on Vista, so I tried switching the operating system check off, and bingo! the driver work well with Vista too! So now I can read and write Windows file from Linux and vice versa with ease. For a beginner with Linux I guess its a big achievement ;)

If anybody knows where to find the display driver of linux, please mail me, I need it badly. Otherwise I will have no option other than switching to some other linux. :(

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