Friday, June 29, 2007

DCETECH - Our college's community website

Hello people, today I am here to discuss about - student community website portal of our college. It is a website founded by Vikas Bhargava who once said, " is an epitome of the energy and unbridled enthusiasm of the student community and it aspires to be the showcase of the best thinking brains in India and the rest of the world.Come Together! at"

I have been attached to dcetech for past 2 years and currently I am heading its web management group for the academic year 2007-08. It has a lively environment with active forums and dynamic sections like Writersblock, Technical Stuff. This website does not specifically target only the dceites but is open to everyone who has something nice to discuss. We are presently working on developing the alumni section on the same. And now we are in a process of switching servers. We have found a good deal and we will be switching to it very soon.

This was the current status of the site as of yesterday. Bu today suddenly there appeared a complex problem. I am not able to figure out its source or reason of such behavior. All the people who use MTNL as their ISP, are not able to access the site. It appears that somehow MTNL has removed the domain from their DNS or the data might be corrupt on their Domain servers. Though I have mailed to them about the problem, but I don't expect much from them coz everyone knows how difficult is it to get your work done from a government organization specially when that work is not listed in their schedules.

So just being really positive, i expect those people to look into the matter and solve the problem. Thanks to the proxy sites, that I am able to access the site at least. And I am accessing the FTP and Cpanel via the ip adress of the webhost :) Otherwise I guess when the shifting of databases is complete, and when I officially switch the webhost, then this problem will be corrected itself.

As far as Ubuntu is concerned, its working awesome. I have fallen in love with it. And really, if it weren't of some of the applications( which I am addicted to) that run exclusively on Windows I would remove windows forever. Lets see what's in the bag for me in the next month.

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