Friday, October 26, 2007

Indian Rupee - stronger by the day! :) OR :(

After Chetan Bhagat's Five point someone, maybe we can write a novel on Thirty nine point something.... As Indian Rupee is getting stronger everyday, it has now reached "39.x" mark and its not far away when it would touch the 35 mark. So now what should we do, be happy coz our currency will finally get the status we deserve, and finally some good amount of investment in non Indian companies will take place, or should we be sad as now FDI will reduce, outsourcing to India will be drastically reduced and the day is not far when the reverse flow will start.

I am definitely unhappy, coz it has landed me in not picking up projects and even if I pick, I land up with very less in my hand. So what should I do, leave the projects, leave the work and just concentrate on studies, then I realise what good are the studies gonna do to me? I have decent acads and they r not gonna change in 2 sems... So I try helping myself with the other type of stuff and enjoying my last yr in college. I don't know where will I be landing next yr!

As far as the money is concerned, I'll adjust myself with a bit of lesser money, infact it also helps the country get some foreign revenue (hehe, well one way of supporting it). So wat next, I am having my exams round the corner so may be I'll have to take a break from this blog for a while!

Oh yes lately I have also participated in Imagine Cup Round 1 Match 1, and I am stuck at some score... I am not able to crack other levels. Don't know agey kaise badega and my rank is just falling down and down... The fight is ON

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Not a winning Prodigy

A few days back, rather about 2 weeks back I received a mail from our college explain details of a competition called Google Product Prodigy. I was thrilled with this contest because I had wished for such a competition. Though there was a small constraint, that only two entries were allowed from the college. I knew that with an idea that was already in my mind, I would be definitely able to clear atleast the college level.

So I called up a couple of my friends and discussed this stuff with them, and we decided to work together. Well I really don't wanna discuss the idea here, but I believe it was something I have never seen implemented anywhere and was thus supposed to be unique. So we started with the abstract that was to be provided to the college and we dedicated 2 days (rather nights) discussing this topic and preparing abstract. On the last day, we took a printout and provided it to the Department for approval.

We expected the results to be out soon as there were only a few entries submitted for it. The results were to be announced in the end of the day.. so I went back home as I had some work pending. Later it was announced that all the teams who submitted their entries have to report to the department for a basic overview of each project. As I was not in the college by that time, I told my friends to report at the department for the same.

After an hour or so.. I received a message saying that we were not selected. I don't know what happened and how we were not selected. I just wished that I could have got a chance to talk to them... Probably it might have made a difference. But now who cares, we might get more of those chances in future.. So probably we are not winning prodigies.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Microsoft TechMela

On Tuesday, Microsoft organised TechMela, an event to focus on the web and software enterprise solutions using Microsoft Tools. So as per my interests, I attended the workshop on "Web Application for Enterprise". Though it was a bit more on enterprise side, but was worth attending even after taking a day off from college.

The gathering was decent, i mean not a big rush i was expecting for a free event. The major reason would be the Weekday effect. Anyways, they had great food and great workshop, that was important.

The workshop was further divided into six sessions, taken by different so-called Evangelist. The first session was of building an enterprise grade rich web app in 15 mins, and i was going to bet that he won't be able to do it in 15 mins. But i underestimated the visual studio power, after lots of chitchat in between, he was able to complete it in 25 mins (oh offcourse he skipped the part of database creation which i was counting on initially :)). Anyways, that session was really basic, he told us bout the basic usability of AJAX toolkit in enterprise apps.

The next session was more of my type, they showed us PHP on Windows, though it's just a simple thing, but using FastCGI with IIS was what that made it interesting. They showed how the use of FastCGI over tradition CGI for perl and PHP would speed up the process and reduce server load. Though they didn't show any real application in PHP, but they showed a comparison between CGI, FastCGI and FatCGI with enabled caching.

The next good session was that of SilverLight and AJAX. SilverLight as some of you might be knowing is an add-on launched by Microsoft which enables users to view pages coded in XAML. They actually converted an image into xml code :0 The image (also including media file) was made in their software called Expressions, whose code is pure XML which they call XAML. This silverlight made them do stuff only made for high speed internet, work correctly on normal broadband connection. That was really impressive. AJAX part was again the same, showing the different tools available in AJAX library and toolkit that comes as an add-on of Visual Studio.

There were a few more sessions, one was on MSDN and other other developer resources offered by Microsoft and other on best practices to follow in an Enterprise, but those were not of that interest to me, to write bout them. Though I have attended the webinars of two of the speakers who came for the workshop, but this truly was good experience for me. For the first time I came in direct contact of the actual people behind these things. Well there's a similar workshop on 13th this October, i hope to attend that too.. Lets see what they have this time!