Wednesday, December 26, 2007

MS or not?

Well I have discussed with a lot of my friends, and can still discuss with anybody who's interested to go for MS, why does one want to go for MS abroad. I mean why does one want to waste 2 years of his/her precious life and go for MS and still be at the same place.

Imagine taking a break from your routine life (leaving current job) spending around 20 lcs going for MS, coming back and joining the job again. Though i know that the new job would definitely be better and more reliable but at what expense.. spending a lot of money, and 2 yrs of life. Instead why don't people prefer going for a good job, gain some work experience and then look for promotion or hop jobs. I guess i we try hard, we can land at similar or even at a better place than that in case of MS.

Hey, I am not talking about the people interested in Research field. Hats off to those people, and I know that MS is definitely made for them. its not that I am completely against anyone going for MS, but what I really emphasize is you should be very cautious while investing your 2 yrs of your life, coz that's a big thing.. 2 yrs are the most that are required to change your life completely.

Though a lot of my friends have countered me by saying that once you do MS from US via GRE, you enter a better life and work at a US firm. But my point is why does one want to go for a job at US. Is a job at US confirms you a healthy and better life? I don't think so, I don't feel that just by going to US, you have a warrant to a successful life. I somewhere feel that we can have a better life and better prospects while living in India, where no one would ever look down on you or hate you because you are an alien to their place.

So when you are going abroad for a MS or PhD, think again, maybe another better opportunity is waiting for you somewhere!

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