Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Well my exams are over, though left with a couple of pracs on next week, but I am trying to plan something for the vacations. It looks like I am at a standstill, I mean I have over 2months vacations ahead and I have almost nothing planned and no work to do.

Well the only thing I could do this winter is to go for some freelancing, i mean I could try out some decent projects and earn out my pocket money and other expenses. I might go for the guy who's offered me to do some iphone game for him, or try out some websites for projects. Lets see how far does it go.

As far as the learning new technologies is concerned, firstly i never trust the coaching institutes to teach us something. Coz all they do is to get u cram up the tutorials book of their institute, and no practical experience ( i mean realtime projects). Instead I prefer going for Googling the stuff and get some ebooks to help me out. But for now I can't even think of doing anything, learning new technology or practicing any new framework.

Or on the other hand I can get my funda's of c/c++ clear and prepare for some interviews (if I even sit in another company :) ) Ok so I have a few options, but I am still not sure where am I heading, specially when I have over a 2 months break ahead !

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