Saturday, July 28, 2007

2 days with internetlessness

Well this is not a tech related post in any way, but I would like to discuss this experience with you. As the nae suggests, I suffered from a serious problem of internetlessness .I had no access to internet at my place for more than 2 days, precisely 56 hours.

This was because of my carelessness that I broke the wire of the adapter of my MTNL modem (for broadband) from where this problem originated. So, as a usual solution, I called up my isp helpline no and registered a complaint there. They said the problem will be attended within 24 hours. I was really horrified by the idea of internetless life for one whole day. I still thought that it would be managed, so I called up my friends and had a chat with them.

Then when I turned to my computer, I realised that the computer is really a boring destination without internet... I tried playing some game like MS Hearts, Minesweeper, Ubuntu Nibbles, Same Gnome, and few others, but no use.. I got fed up from them in a few hours. Then I tried developing some previously left applications my uncle's website and some of my project work. Okay that was still refreshing. Then I started working on some C++/C codes which is required for placement preparations. So finally I passed my whole day

But 24 hour time elapsed and nobody attended my complaint. Then I got really frustrated, I took the number of my area's manager and contacted him and after a few calls I got the actual area manager's number and talked to him. He said he'll get the work done the next day because he didn't have the concerned person at his desk that time. So again started my horrifying 24 hours which were probably the longest hours of my life. It was like imprisoned at home, with no sources to the outer world.

This time I also managed to move out and reached a cyber cafe. I accessed internet for an hour from there. Then I felt a bit relaxed, checked few of my mails and had a chat with a couple of my friends. That day I slept a bit early, because I had nothing to do, though i made more than a dozen of calls to get everything up and running, but still in vain.

The next day the representative from the help center came to check out the problem and he realized that he had brought an incompatible adapter to the modem. So he went back saying that he'll come later. Well that day, i went out with my friends for some usual gc (group chat). i expected that by the time i'll reach home the internet would be up, but he appeared long after I reached home. He replaced the whole modem and adapter set and finally my internet is working, but I must say that this experience was a horrible one...

My online identity- hairyhi

Hi this time I am here to discuss bout my online identity. Though its a very uncommon id that i once created just for fun 7 years back at hotmail account, but now it has become my online identity.

UserID: hairyhi
Usage: To fill up forms everywhere on net to sign up for some services...
Probably one day i'll have this id registered on every site supporting discussions or providing free services :)
OK now for some analysis that i made with this identity...
Here's what i got when i googled hairyhi:

and some more, these all (above and below) are the complete set of results of first page:

Well to be precise all these results were somewhere or the other associated with me, not only this, I checked out result of next 2 pages also and in all out of 30 results of 3 pages, 28 results were associated with me, so probably I can say that this has become my online identity :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

iPhone!! Tastiest apple for me

Hi people, the title might be appearing a bit weird right now, but by the end of this post, you'll find out that its appropriate...

Apple Inc has launched its iPhone on 29th of June this year. It has already sold thousands of iPhones within these few days. iPhone, i agree is the best phone - a combination of features, reliability and affordability. Its about INR 25000 bucks. I mean the fully featured blackberry handsets are costlier than this. So after this basic introduction of the product, I'd like to tell you the feature of the product that has attracted me.

Its not just the looks and affordability that attracts me (in fact I cannot afford one), its the ability to support Safari applications, i.e. basic web based applications. It has opened a new field for me. As I have worked a lot with web based applications, I feel that developing iPhone applications would be fun along with some new experience.

Infact, my last project which I told you about was an iPhone javascript based application. It was basically a game that I developed using purely Javascript. Though it took me around 6 days to write that around 600 lines of code, but in all it was fun. Firstly, it was a game, so an interest arose itself, to work for it. Then when I came to know that it will require basic javascript, I practically jumped from my chair, as I was looking for an opportunity to brush my javascript skills. And lastly, a zest to work for a new technology (referring to iPhone) that was launched 3 days before I picked the project, was really great.

Yes the work is complete now and I am satisfied in true sense. Apart from that, it has helped me gain confidence in javascript and I will be looking forward for some more projects as soon as I get some time. By now you might have acknowledged why is iPhone the tastiest 'Apple' for me.... Signing off for now..

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ruby finally railed!!

Yes finally i have installed and configured successfully the complete ruby on rails application on apache2 server with mysql and phpmyadmin support. I just reconfigured by following the steps mentioned on Ubuntu's site and it worked. I still don't know what was exactly the problem but i m happy that its resolved. Now I can start building my Rails applications.

One more good news is that I have shifted dcetech to new servers, changed the nameservers and now its working great. Faster and more reliable than earlier. And everything is working great. Also I have been given a project that I have to complete by the end of Sunday. I cannot reveal its details, but its a javascript based application to work on iPhone. Well I have almost completed my project and hope to complete it by deadline. Well this was my first such small duration project and it has been fun working so far.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Back on track but still derailed!!

Finally is back on track and MTNL Broadband users are able to access the site again, i guess that mail that I forwarded to the MTNL helpdesk did the magic.The site is up and running back again. In fact I have shifted the databases to point to new ones and have sent the request to shift nameservers too. So probably the work will be finished within a couple of days.

Well finally the much awaited month has arrived and it has revived my download limit, so i feel like download everything that I have in queue, but this time i m gonna do it a bit sensibly so as not to exceed the download limit far again. I downloaded the mysql server and php applications along with apache and configured them to work on my Linux system. And it worked with ease. Also I installed phpmyadmin to make mysql access easier.

So as soon as I thought that my experiments with Linux are back on track, I remembered that I had to install Ruby on rails too. I found a tutorial to install and configure ROR on Ubuntu's site: and followed each and every step to install and configure it on my system. But I guess there was some problem with the configuration and I landed up nowhere. Though rails framework is installed properly, and is working properly with WEBrick, but I was
unable to configure it with apache2. I searched the ubuntuforums for it but still no success. The people over there are also facing some problems configuring ROR with apache2. May be the configuration is very complicated to be debugged easily.So I was back on track but still no ruby on rails and thus I am de'rail'ed!!

Well I am trying to reconfigure rails to work with apache, meanwhile I am working with WEBrick for the time being...