Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ruby finally railed!!

Yes finally i have installed and configured successfully the complete ruby on rails application on apache2 server with mysql and phpmyadmin support. I just reconfigured by following the steps mentioned on Ubuntu's site and it worked. I still don't know what was exactly the problem but i m happy that its resolved. Now I can start building my Rails applications.

One more good news is that I have shifted dcetech to new servers, changed the nameservers and now its working great. Faster and more reliable than earlier. And everything is working great. Also I have been given a project that I have to complete by the end of Sunday. I cannot reveal its details, but its a javascript based application to work on iPhone. Well I have almost completed my project and hope to complete it by deadline. Well this was my first such small duration project and it has been fun working so far.

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