Monday, July 16, 2007

iPhone!! Tastiest apple for me

Hi people, the title might be appearing a bit weird right now, but by the end of this post, you'll find out that its appropriate...

Apple Inc has launched its iPhone on 29th of June this year. It has already sold thousands of iPhones within these few days. iPhone, i agree is the best phone - a combination of features, reliability and affordability. Its about INR 25000 bucks. I mean the fully featured blackberry handsets are costlier than this. So after this basic introduction of the product, I'd like to tell you the feature of the product that has attracted me.

Its not just the looks and affordability that attracts me (in fact I cannot afford one), its the ability to support Safari applications, i.e. basic web based applications. It has opened a new field for me. As I have worked a lot with web based applications, I feel that developing iPhone applications would be fun along with some new experience.

Infact, my last project which I told you about was an iPhone javascript based application. It was basically a game that I developed using purely Javascript. Though it took me around 6 days to write that around 600 lines of code, but in all it was fun. Firstly, it was a game, so an interest arose itself, to work for it. Then when I came to know that it will require basic javascript, I practically jumped from my chair, as I was looking for an opportunity to brush my javascript skills. And lastly, a zest to work for a new technology (referring to iPhone) that was launched 3 days before I picked the project, was really great.

Yes the work is complete now and I am satisfied in true sense. Apart from that, it has helped me gain confidence in javascript and I will be looking forward for some more projects as soon as I get some time. By now you might have acknowledged why is iPhone the tastiest 'Apple' for me.... Signing off for now..

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